version effective from 18.03.2024


What is a Privacy Policy?

We would like to provide you with details concerning our processing of your personal data in order to give you full knowledge and comfort in using our Application.

Since we operate in the online sector, we know how important it is to protect your personal data. Therefore, we make particular efforts to protect your privacy and information you provide us with.

We carefully select and apply appropriate technical measures, in particular programming and organisational measures, to ensure protection of the personal data we process. Our Application uses encrypted data transmission (SSL), which ensures protection of your identity.

In our Privacy Policy you will find all key information regarding our processing of your personal data.

Please read it, we promise it won’t take more than a few minutes.

Who is the administrator of the ROTAT Mobile Application?

The administrator of the Mobile Application is Tomasz Pańkowski,  conducting business activity under the business name Tomasz Pańkowski ROTAT, entered to the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the Minister of Economy, with its registered office in ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 79e, 80-414 Gdańsk, Poland, Taxpayer Identification Number (NIP): 5842843635,  National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON) number: 526908382, phone: +48691614221, e-mail: . (i.e.: We).

Personal data

What legal act governs the processing of your personal data?

Your personal data are collected and processed by us in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27.04.2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (OJ EU L 119, p. 1), commonly referred to as: GDPR. In the scope not regulated by the GDPR, the processing of personal data is governed by the Personal Data Protection Act of 10 May 2018.

Who is the controller of your personal data?

The controller of your personal data is Tomasz Pańkowski,  conducting business activity under the business name Tomasz Pańkowski ROTAT, entered to the Central Registration and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG) maintained by the Minister of Economy, with its registered office in ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 79e, 80-414 Gdańsk, Poland, Taxpayer Identification Number (NIP): 5842843635,  National Official Register of Business Entities (REGON) number: 526908382.

You can contact us about your personal data using the following methods:

  • e-mail: ,
  • traditional mail: ul. Bolesława Chrobrego 79e, 80-414 Gdańsk, Poland
  • by phone: +48691614221.

How do we process your personal data, that you provide to us?

What personal data do we process and for what purposes?

In our Mobile Application we offer a variety of services as part of which we process different personal data on different legal grounds.

Objective Personal data Legal basis for processing Data retention time
conclusion and performance of an agreement first name, last name, address for correspondence, e-mail address, telephone number, Taxpayer Identification Number (NIP), payment card number article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, i.e. processing in order to take action at your request, prior to conclusion of a contract, and processing necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party until the expiry of the limitation period for claims concerning the performance of the contract
creating and maintaining an account first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, address for correspondence article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, i.e. processing in order to take action at your request, prior to conclusion of a contract, and processing necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are party until the expiry of the limitation period for claims concerning the performance of the contract
ensuring continuity of communication and enabling contact with the Administrator in matters of scientific activity first name, last name, address for correspondence, e-mail address, telephone number article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e. processing for the purpose of pursuing our legitimate interest in maintaining the continuity of communication and enabling contact with us in matters of business activity. until you object to the processing of your personal data
traffic analysis on the App location, IP number, browser data Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e.
processing for the purpose of
pursuing the Controller’s legitimate interest in analysing customer traffic in the Mobile Application
90 days or until you object to the processing of your personal data
direct marketing of own services, including remarketing IP number, browser data, interests Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e.
processing for the purpose of
pursuing the Controller’s legitimate interest in direct marketing of its own services, including remarketing
until you object to the processing of your personal data
determination, pursuit and enforcement of claims and defence against claims in proceedings conducted before courts and other state authorities first name, last name, address, PESEL number, tax identification number (NIP), national business registry number (REGON), e-mail address, telephone number, IP number, bank account number, payment card number article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e. processing for the purpose of pursuing our legitimate interest in establishing, pursuing and enforcing claims and defending against claims in proceedings conducted before courts and other state authorities until the expiry of the limitation period for claims concerning the performance of the contract
fulfilling legal obligations arising from legal regulations, in particular tax and accounting regulations first name, last name, company name, PESEL number, tax identification number (NIP) or national business registry number (REGON), e-mail address, telephone number, address for correspondence, payment card number Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR, i.e. processing is necessary to fulfil legal obligations incumbent of the Controller, resulting from legal regulations, in particular tax and accounting regulations until the expiry of the legal obligations imposed on the Controller which justify the processing of personal data
Voluntary provision of personal data

Provision of the required personal data is voluntary, but it is necessary for us to provide services to you.

Recipients of personal data

The current list of entities to which we disclose your personal data can be found here.

Automated decision making (including profiling)

We use tools to deliver personalized advertisements targeted specifically to you. By analyzing your actions within the Store, such as the content you view and the time spent on various pages, we customize and display marketing content tailored to your preferences. This profiling allows us to optimize the delivery of marketing messages, resulting in a more beneficial experience for both parties involved. Through this approach, we minimize the dissemination of marketing content related to products and services outside of your area of interest.

Will we transfer your personal data outside the EEA or to an international organisation?

In order to use Google, Youtube tools, your personal data may be transferred to the United States, where Google LLC. servers are located.

Google LLC. is included in the list of entities participating in the Data Privacy Framework (link: therefore the protection of personal data is adequate in relation to the regulations in force in the European Union, in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) C(2023) 4745 of July 10, 2023 on the adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (link:


In order to use Facebook tools, your personal data may be transferred to the United States, where Meta Platforms Inc., servers are located.

Meta Platforms Inc. is included in the list of entities participating in the Data Privacy Framework (link: therefore the protection of personal data is adequate in relation to the regulations in force in the European Union, in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) C(2023) 4745 of July 10, 2023 on the adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (link:


In order to use Microsoft tools, your personal data may be transferred to the United States, where Microsoft Corporation servers are located.

Microsoft Corporation is included in the list of entities participating in the Data Privacy Framework (link: therefore the protection of personal data is adequate in relation to the regulations in force in the European Union, in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) C(2023) 4745 of July 10, 2023 on the adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (link:


In order to use, your personal data may be transferred to the United States, where servers are located. is included in the list of entities participating in the Data Privacy Framework (link: therefore the protection of personal data is adequate in relation to the regulations in force in the European Union, in accordance with Commission Implementing Decision (EU) C(2023) 4745 of July 10, 2023 on the adequate level of protection of personal data in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (link:

What rights do you have with regard to our processing of your personal data?

Pursuant to the GDPR, you have the right to: 

  • request access to your personal data 
  • request rectification of your personal data
  • request deletion of your personal data
  • requests that the processing of your personal data is restricted
  • object to the processing of your personal data
  • requests transfer of your personal data


If you submit any of the above requests, without undue delay – and in any case within one month from receipt of the request – we will inform you of the actions taken in connection with your request. 

If necessary, we can extend the one-month period by another two months due to the complexity of the request or the number of requests. 

In any case, we will inform you within one month from receiving your request about any extension and give you the reasons for the delay. 

Right of access to personal data (Article 15 of GDPR)

You have the right to be informed whether we are processing your personal data

If we process your personal data, you have the right to:

  • access your personal data,
  • obtain information about the purposes of processing, categories of personal data processed, recipients or categories of recipients of these data, planned period of storage of your data or criteria for determining this period, your rights under the GDPR and about the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection, about the source of these data, about automated decision making, including profiling, and about the safeguards applied in connection with the transfer of these data outside the European Union;
  • receive a copy of your personal data.

If you wish to request access to your personal data, please send your request to: .

Right to correct your personal data (Article 16 of GDPR)

If your personal data are incorrect, you have the right to ask us to correct your personal data immediately. You also have the right to request that we supplement your personal data. 

If you wish to request correction or supplementation of your personal data, please send your request to: .

The right to have your personal data deleted, i.e. the so-called “right to be forgotten” (Article 17 GDPR)

You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted when:

  • your personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
  • you have withdrawn a specific consent, to the extent that your personal data were processed on the basis of your consent;
  • your personal data were processed illegally;
  • you have raised objections to the processing of your personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling, to the extent that the processing of personal data is connected to direct marketing;
  • you have objected to the processing of your personal data in connection with processing necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or processing necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us or a third party.

Despite your request to delete your personal data, we may process your data further for the purpose of determining, pursuing or defending claims, of which you will be informed. 

If you wish to request deletion of your personal data, please send your request: .

Right to submit a request to restrict processing of your personal data (Article 18 of GDPR)

You have the right to request restriction of the processing of your personal data when:

  • you are questioning the correctness of your personal data – in this case we will limit the processing of your personal data for a period of time that allows us to check the accuracy of the data;
  • the processing of your data is unlawful, and instead of deleting your personal data you request limited processing of your personal data;
  • your personal data are no longer needed for the purposes of processing, but is needed to establish, pursue or defend your claims;
  • you have objected to the processing of your personal data – until it is determined whether our legitimate interests take precedence over the grounds for objection.

If you wish to request restricted processing of your personal data, please send your request to: .

Right to submit an objection to the processing of your personal data (Article 21 of GDPR)

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time, including profiling, in connection with:

  • processing necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or processing necessary for purposes resulting from legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or a third party;
  • processing for direct marketing purposes.

If you wish to submit an objection to the processing of your personal data, please send your request to .

Right to request transfer of your personal data (Article 20 of GDPR) 

You have the right to receive your personal data from us in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format and to send data to another personal data controller.

As standard, we will provide you with your personal data in CSV format. If you prefer to have your data provided to you in a different format, please indicate your preferred format in your request. As far as possible, we will try to provide your data in your preferred format. 

You can also request that we send your personal data directly to another controller (if technically possible). 

If you wish to request transfer of your personal data, please send your request to: .

Complaint to the supervisory authority 

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates data protection regulations, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the member state of your residence, your place of work or where the alleged infringement was committed.

In Poland, the supervisory authority within the definition of the GDPR is the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, who replaced the GIODO as of 25 May 2018. 

You can find more information here.


General information

While browsing the web pages, HTTP cookies are used, hereinafter referred to as cookies, in other words small text data files, saved on your end-device while using the Mobile Application. Their use is aimed at facilitating the operation of our Mobile Appliication.

These files allow us to identify the software you are using and tailor our Mobile Application to your needs. 

Cookies usually contain the name of the domain from which they come, duration of their storage on the device and values assigned to them.


Cookies we use are safe for your devices. Therefore, no viruses and no unwanted or malicious software can affect your devices via cookies.

Types of cookies

We use two types of cookies:

  • Session cookies: stored and kept on your device until the web browser is closed. Saved information is then permanently deleted from the memory of your device. This mechanism does not allow the acquisition of any personal data or confidential information from your device.
  • Persistent cookies: stored and kept on your device until deleted. Closing the web browser or switching off the device does not cause them to be removed from your device. This mechanism does not allow the acquisition of any personal data or confidential information from your device.


We also use cookies of external entities for the following purposes: 

  • configuration of the Mobile Application;
  • to promote the App using the Youtube Internet Services –, the administrator of which is Google Ltd., registered in Ireland, the Privacy Policy is available here:;
  • to compile statistics, which allow us to understand how Users use the Mobile Application and to improve its structure and content with analytical tools: Google Analytics – through Google Ireland Ltd., registered in Ireland, Google’s privacy policy is available here:;
  • to profile Users, and display content tailored to them in advertising networks with online advertising tools: Google Ads – through Google Ireland Ltd., registered in Ireland, Google’s privacy policy is available here:;
  • to collect information about User’s behavior using the Pixel Facebook tools provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited registered in Ireland. The Privacy Policy is available here:;
  • to operate Google tools for researching user behavior, determining their profiles via the Google Tag Manager tool – through Google Ireland Ltd., registered in Ireland, Google’s privacy policy is available here:;
  • to monitor errors in the operation of the Mobile Application, we utilize the tool, administered by domiciled in the United States, with its privacy policy available at:

To be familiar with rules for the use of cookies, we recommend that you read the privacy policies of the company mentioned above.

Cookies may be used by advertising networks, especially Google, to display ads tailored to your preferences. To do so, information may be saved on your Internet behaviour or your activities on the Mobile.

To browse and edit information on your preferences, collected by the advertising network of Google, you may use the tool available at this address:

You may change the cookie settings by yourself at any moment in the options of the web browser or service, to specify conditions for storing such files and granting access to your device via them. You may change these settings to block the automatic handling of cookies in the options of your web browser or to be informed every time they are stored on your device. Detailed information on the options and methods for handling cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser).